Every once in a while, both private and large investors tend to move their attention from the American landscape and try to find new and exciting investment opportunities in other countries. In recent years, we’ve seen all over the news that emerging markets are a great bet, markets like Brazil, South-East Asia or India, but how much of this is true in 2016?
Not a lot, at first glance. Markets like Brazil, China and Japan are all experiencing some downfalls in the start of 2016, while other more exotic countries are still considered too risky for mainstream investors looking for safe, reliable income rather than gambling. In order to be a “hot” country for investing in, it has to have just the right combination of steady economic growth and large companies and products as well as plenty of room to grow and embrace global brands.
Here are some examples of such countries:
1. Indonesia is the largest economy in south-east Asia and is at the same time one of the richest countries in the world. They recent started a program to encourage investments in the country, which means industry and infrastructure will grow at a fast pace in 2016.
2. Vietnam is another country in Asia with a bright future: boasting a young and talented population of well-educated professionals, it’s a great place for outsourcing and has recently relaxed its foreign investment policies. It is predicted to be the next trend in the tech outsourcing business
3. India surpassed China and has been the top destination for foreign investments in 2015. This trend is predicted to continue and is very much backed up by the Indian government. If you’re looking for everything from tech and new technologies to industry and real estate, there is a business in India waiting to be built.
Although Asian markets seem to be the pick of international investors in recent times, there are countries like Ireland, Egypt, Morocco and Brazil which also spark interest, either from a tax perspective or as great bond purchases. A diversified international portfolio is something hard to assemble, but can be quite rewarding if you do it correctly.