2015 was the year of the FANG – Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (though Google is now Alphabet, for now let’s keep it simple). On an average in a day, we can be sure that these tabs are opened on your computer on a daily basis (for us, they are all opened at the same time. Multi-tasking, we call it).
In fact, a lot of changes took place within these companies in the past year, beginning with Google and ending with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announcing some big philanthropic aims at the end of the year. Though the Big 4 seem to be doing pretty damn well, they alone cannot drag the Dow Jones into the safety of the green zone.
Check out the performance of FANG for 2015 by CLICKING HERE.
If we break down each of the company’s agendas for 2016, we see a different forecast for each – Facebook is looking to move towards philanthropic and charitable ventures, including providing free WiFi to India. With regard to Facebook actually making changes or improvements to the what they are essentially made of – social media, they haven’t yet announced any major plans. For Amazon as well, they plan on expanding further to global markets, and they are already seeing major profits from markets overseas. Again, they haven’t spoken about a new product or something exciting, except for continuing down the same road they are currently walking on. Netflix is doing good with their show lineups and steady audience growth. They have a few surprises in the offing, so it’s just left to be seen how well they take-off. And finally, when it comes to Google, they are taking their empire to a new level of expansion by moving into the automated vehicle business.
However, as per forecasts from financial experts who are thoroughly scrutinizing the stock markets at the end of this financial quarter and calendar year, the performance of each of these magical companies will be declining, because there doesn’t seem to be anything exciting or groundbreaking happening from them. In fact, their activities and performance seem to be quite predictable. No, they won’t be facing any losses, but their gains won’t be that groundbreaking – in other words, steady performance for the foreseeable future.
For more on how FANG will be doing in 2016, CLICK HERE.